$58.00 USD or more

Most people upgrade their order to include instance access to the Kingdom of God [Business] Operating System...

Andy's 5 audio-lesson blueprint which outlines: 

✅ The importance of connection in the Kingdom

✅ The three business "boogey-men" Jesus grants you power over

✅ Three key questions to assure you're in Kingdom-alignment

✅ The steps to building a business bigger than you, one that takes the expression of the Kingdom to the spaces it's needed the most

Valued at $79, you can access it for just $17.


Check below to receive instant access to this 5-audio course. 


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Heaven in Business Conference | Atlanta 2024 Replay

Atlanta ’24 conference replay | all access audio

Complete your registration here to receive instant access to the on-demand replay, featuring:

✅ 4 keynote talks = affirm the principles of Kingdom business

✅ 6 case studies = apply the principles


The fine print up front—

⚡️Login from all your devices, using your email address and site password

⚡️No limits to how often you can access your training