Atlanta 2024 Conference ReplayÂ
An on-demand resource to help you apply the principles of Kingdom business and elevate your experience of God at work
Do you have a sense that God could use you right where you are, in the marketplace?
‼️ You’ve felt God’s presence and power in the past, but (wrongly) thought He was interested ONLY in what happens in the four walls of the Church.
‼️You really believe that where you are is WHO you are… and that God destined you to lead where you are. And, you really want to serve Him in the marketplace.
‼️ You felt the only people who are “called” by God are apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers…
‼️ You would LOVE to just see… if, just maybe… what it might look like to see God’s presence and power flood through your workplace.
‼️ You feel like you REALLY want to give and serve… but you wish the leaders of your church would invite you to do something BIGGER than usher, watch the kids, or manage the parking lot!
‼️ You feel invigorated when a business deal comes through, when people find happiness and fulfillment in their work, but you’ve wondered if-- somehow-- this was keeping you from what God really WANTS you to do.
‼️ You have a sense that most people who NEED the message of radical grace will need to encounter it somewhere OUTSIDE the four walls of the church first— and you’re willing to be that touchpoint.
Re-experience-- or experience-- the conference of the year!Â
February 29-- March 2, 2024 we gathered at Bethel Church (Atlanta) for our 3 day Heaven in Business intensive.
Once again, we--Â
âś… Affirmed the principles of Kingdom business
✅ Learned to apply those principles as we heard from practitioners and leaders living their sacred call in the marketplace
Now the sessions are available-- on-demand-- for you to review or even view for the first time.Â
What to do next
Merge the supernatural & the practical to experience God with you at work

Access the content
Watch the video, listen to the audio, or both. Review as many times as you'd like.

Build a better business
Implement the principles of hearing & walking with God in the marketplace.

Experience breakthrough
See God move in supernatural ways in your work.
Whether you feel called to serve your boss, sense the urge to grow a giant business and resource ministry, or feel that part of your sacred call is to create a culture of hope and live where employees and clients thrive...
… Heaven in Business provides you the paradigm to experience God's presence & power in the marketplaceÂ
Step 1 | Affirm the core concepts
 A Kingdom-business requires the right foundation
4 keynote sessions--Â
đź’Ą Andy Mason talks about identity and acceptance-- and helps us affirm where we stand with God.
đź’Ą Jo Moody challenges you to think bigger, as we truly recognize who God is AND affirm His capacity to "show up" anywhere (2 sessions).
đź’ĄÂ Janine Mason encourages you to overcome the wrong thinking patterns and create new ways of viewing God's plans and purposes.
Step 2 | See how others apply the principles
And note that what God does for one of His sons or daughters He can-- and will-- do for others.
6 case studies / practical application
🔥 Holly Betenbough saw God multiply her company's influence and bottom line, even as she faced tough decisions and trying circumstances. She helps you learn how to lean, make the tough call, and leave the results in His hands.
🔥 Johnathan & Kara Sparks run a major real estate development and construction firm. They get super-practical about things like decision-making in your business. (Each leads a back-to-back session!)
🔥 Marilyn Adamson, once an argumentative atheist, leverages Google & Facebook to point others to Christ-- at the rate of half a million decisions a year.Â
🔥 Matt Neff invited God into the boardroom of an 800-employee media company and shares how God "works" with us in any industry. His experience shows the Kingdom truly is portable and "works" where we often least expect it.
🔥 Rich Carney works well with ministry leaders AND marketplace leaders alike. He highlights what each group "thinks" about the other, and how we can find common ground to achieve something magnificent in our cities.
Step 3 | Experience God at work with you
And, as you do, remember you're not alone!
 Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the "blood of the Lamb" AND the "word of our testimony."
That is--
đź’Ą The past work of Jesus has set all things in order
đź’Ą The declaration and re-telling of our stories ignites faith in each other that He continues moving, exerting His presence and power now, over every domain in life... over health, our families, our finances... and even business.
As we hear God's principles and see how others have put them into practice, we recognize that He can-- and will-- do the same for us.
If you're like most of us, you spend more time in your daily work than anywhere else.
We believe God wants you to experience His presence and power there, too.
That's why we've made this on-demand resource available!

Practical training to experience God’s presence, His power, and His partnership Monday thru Friday
God sees your work as a sacred calling; He wants you to do the same.
Meet the founders & hosts
Andy & Janine Mason, Founders | Heaven in Business
Andy & Janine strongly believe that God isn’t limited to the pulpit, that He’s actually interested in the marketplace.
And, if that’s the case, that means the gifts and calling you have— to succeed in business— were not only given you to you by God, but that God ALSO wants you to excel in that sacred calling— effectively working in such a way that the results you achieve could only be attributed to the supernatural.
They launched Heaven in Business with the dream of seeing ONE MILLION businesspeople clearly demonstrate partnership with God in their place of work— distinguished from among their colleagues by the tangible presence and power of God.
We believe you’re one of those leaders God wants to work through to do something only He can do— outside the four walls of the church.
Common Questions
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Who is this resource for?
Two instant-access, on-demand options!
Both include unlimited access. Login from all your devices, review as many times as you'd like.

Video & Audio Bundle
4 training sessions + 6 case studies (testimonials, application)