Your blueprint to think bigger + bring your God-given dream(s) to fruition

You can ask, think, and imagine a lot... but God promises He can do "far more" (Ephesians 3:19-20), guaranteeing He achieves the dreams He's deposited inside of you (Psalm 37:4).

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Your God-given dreams CAN become your Spirit-empowered reality!

All too often we're more confident in the enemy's ability to confuse us than we are the Holy Spirit's capacity to lead us!

1. Assess YOUR dream

We all have a vision of what we think God MIGHT want us to go, of what He COULD lead us to do.

2. Affirm it's origin

There are certain markers that help us discern if these are "God-given dreams" or if they're "just us."

3. Align your next steps...

If the dream is OF God, we need to take action and experience His supernatural intervention.

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Do you feel like you're stuck in the "messy middle," that space where you feel there's still SO FAR to go, yet you don't want to throw in the towel?

‼️ You feel an ongoing sense of "hope deferred."

‼️ You're in a season of transition, yet the "next step" seems elusive.

‼️ You're barely managing what's possible, yet you STILL BELIEVE God for what's impossible... you just need a roadmap forward.

‼️ You have a LIST of old dreams, sitting idle-- and you KNOW God placed them in you... you just wonder "when" they'll happen.

‼️ You REALLY believe Jesus meant it when He declared, "You'll do greater works" (John 14:12), but you sense a disconnect in your experience...

‼️ You're passively unfulfilled, but want to aggressively embrace the next chapter-- if you KNOW God's leading you to "turn the page."

‼️ You want practical steps to move your potential into the present... and experience MORE of what God has for you.

Dream Culture is for you!

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Dream Culture encourages you to think bigger, equips you to discern God's voice more clearly, and empowers you to take action on the dreams He's placed inside you!

✅ You've got one shot at life-- you can live it by design or by default, fulfilling the dreams placed inside of you are not.

✅ Eternity is real-- so the stakes of what we choose to do with those dreams REALLY matters. There are people to influence, relationships to steward, and cities to impact.

✅ You are a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God-- you offer something to this world no one else can in the same way as you.

✅ The world is waiting to see-- and needs-- the unique contribution you make as you "live out" those God-given dreams.

Meet the authors

Andy & Janine Mason, Founders | Heaven in Business

Andy & Janine believe your biggest and boldest dreams have been placed in your heart by God, and He desires to do FAR MORE than you imagine possible. 

Years ago, they left a thriving career in New Zealand to move to the United States and "start over" (with a house full of kids!), with the unique dream of seeing ONE MILLION businesspeople clearly demonstrate partnership with God in their place of work— distinguished from among their colleagues by the tangible presence and power of God.

They believe you’re one of those leaders God wants to work through to do something only He can do— outside the four walls of the church.

What's inside Dream Culture

1 | Step-by-step process to discern God's dreams for you

Over the course of 12 quick chapters you'll learn how to affirm you're hearing God's voice, so you can confidently take action!

2 | Stories of others who, like you, defined God's dreams... and took action!

See how others have put the principles of inviting God into the marketplace to work-- and how they've lived a higher calling. The same experience is available for you!

3 | Simple activation exercises help you implement what you learn

You never have to worry about "what to do" with what you're learning. The book offers you "next best steps" to take as you learn.

4 | Support + community of like-minded people

Join the (optional) Heaven in Business community and journey with others who are ALSO committed to "LIVING OUT" the dreams God has placed inside of them!

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Dream Culture is your blueprint to bring your God-given dream(s) to life!

🌳 Concise = 12 chapters, 176 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”

🌳 Clear = Uses stories and real life examples to help you apply the principles of experiencing God’s presence & power at work with you

🌳 Graphics and illustrations and charts help you “see” what you learn

🌳 No waiting = optional instant access to the audiobook

🌳 Practical = Chapter summaries and application questions help you put it into practice

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What Others Say

Bill Johnson 

Senior Leader, Bethel Church, Redding,

… a wonderful tool in our mandate to partner with God for the impossible. This book puts legs on the desire to have fulfilled dreams in our efforts to honor the Lord through every part of our lives.

Andy & Janine Mason take the reader on a journey through mind-stretching exercises that build hope while helping to define our purpose.

This book not only shows us how to dream, it awakens us to the responsibility to live towards the impossible.

Shawn Bolz

Senior Pastor, Expression58, Los Angeles, 

… a profound workbook and tools that is one part life coach, one part counselor, and a major direction builder in your relationship to your life and destiny. I read the book three times the first month I got it…

Anyone who is in transition or in need of greater direction or doesn’t have specific ideas of how to purse dreams should read this book. It will really help you journey through a deliberate process of thinking that is both Biblically based and inspirationally triggered.

Think bigger.

👉 If eternity is "in our hearts" because God placed it there (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11), and 

👉 If God placed the dreams inside our hearts, such that when we delight ourselves in Him... He is able to fulfill them (Psalm you 37:14), and

👉 If God is able to do far more than we can even ask, think, or imagine as it relates to those dreams (Ephesians 3:19-10), and

👉 If Jesus promised we will do "greater works" than He did because He gave us the Holy Spirit to empower us (John 14:12), then...

... we need to create a culture that celebrates and seeks to fulfill the dreams God gifts us!

In the same way Isaiah sowed during a famine and reaped "100-fold," so also can you (Genesis 26:12).

Dreams are "hope carriers"-- and aren't bound by practical circumstances!

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More Praise for Dream Culture

Leif Heitland

Founder & President, Global Mission Awareness,

Surveys show that nearly 85% of Christians life passive, unfulfilled lives.

That’s about to change!

Dream Culture is a transformational dream coaching tool to help you release the dream God placed in your heart.

As a dreamer, everything I need is in this book to hope me become a greater history-maker and world-changer.

Steve Backlund

Founder & President, Ignited Hope,

… a catalytic book to help people understand what their dreams are, what is hindering their fulfillment and what is needed to live the “dream life” that God has ordained for each of of us.

The whole book is great, but the dream activity questions at the end of each chapter are worth the price of the book alone.

This is a must read for those who desire to reach their full potential in life.

One of best parts of Dream Culture... is the stories!

Any testimony you hear is— by your association with the King and His Kingdom— yours.

In fact, ancient rabbis believed that every time a story of God’s deliverance and provision was told, the same power present in the ORIGINAL event being recounted was ALSO available in that moment…

In other words, the story itself created the same faith, hope, and encouragement.

Listen to this story through the lenses of Scripture—

Revelation 19:10 tells us, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

That is, the stories of Jesus’ ongoing work FORETELL what He will continue to do.

Moreover, Revelation 12:10 affirms, “They overcome… by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of their testimony.”

Or, to say it another way, “They achieve victory by the past work of Jesus on the Cross AND by retelling the stories of what He continues to do among them.”

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