Your practical guide to experience God’s presence, His power, and His partnership Monday thru Friday
God sees your work as a sacred calling; He wants you to do the same.

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You're a conduit of God's presence + power!
A banker can be just as called as a preacher, and a teacher can be just as called as an evangelist. Your life of faith is meant to be far more than just an "attend church on Sunday" obligation; your faith is a way of life that infuses everything you do-- even business.

1. Acquire your book
We'll send the paperback same day. Start with the eBook immediately. Optional audiobook upgrade.

2. Act on the lessons relevant to you
Implement the concepts you learn, as you learn them. You'll see that God is already at work in your workplace.

3. Experience God's power + presence
As you become more aware of His presence, sense His power breaking-through in each area of your life!
Do you have a sense that God could use you right where you are, in the marketplace?
‼️ You’ve felt God’s presence and power in the past, but (wrongly) thought He was interested ONLY in what happens in the four walls of the Church.
‼️You really believe that where you are is WHO you are… and that God destined you to lead where you are. And, you really want to serve Him in the marketplace.
‼️ You felt the only people who are “called” by God are apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers…
‼️ You would LOVE to just see… if, just maybe… what it might look like to see God’s presence and power flood through your workplace.
‼️ You feel like you REALLY want to give and serve… but you wish the leaders of your church would invite you to do something BIGGER than usher, watch the kids, or manage the parking lot!
‼️ You feel invigorated when a business deal comes through, when people find happiness and fulfillment in their work, but you’ve wondered if-- somehow-- this was keepoing you from what God really WANTS you to do.
‼️ You have a sense that most people who NEED the message of radical grace will need to encounter it somewhere OUTSIDE the four walls of the church first— and you’re willing to be that touchpoint.
God With You At Work is for you!
Meet the author
Andy Mason, Founder | Heaven in Business
Andy Mason strongly believes that God isn’t limited to the pulpit, that He’s actually interested in the marketplace.
And, if that’s the case, that means the gifts and calling you have— to succeed in business— were not only given you to you by God, but that God ALSO wants you to excel in that sacred calling— effectively working in such a way that the results you achieve could only be attributed to the supernatural.
To that end, he launched “Heaven in Business,” a coaching organization with the unique dream of seeing ONE MILLION businesspeople clearly demonstrate partnership with God in their place of work— distinguished from among their colleagues by the tangible presence and power of God.
We believe you’re one of those leaders God wants to work through to do something only He can do— outside the four walls of the church.

You'll learn...
đź’ĄThe 10X advantage you ALREADY have access to in the marketplace
💥How to “work from rest” rather than working “so you can rest”
💥The fallacy of seeking awards and accolades in order to achieve an identity— yet the freedom (and so much more that comes with it) when your identity is secure (what you achieve is an overflow of who you are— not the other way around)
💥 The importance of Godly business practices and principles— yet the GREATER importance on God’s presence and power

God With You at Work equips you to experience God's presence & power Monday thru Friday, where you invest the majority of your time
💙 Concise = 6 chapters, 136 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”
💙 Clear = Uses stories and real life examples to help you apply the principles of experiencing God’s presence & power at work with you
💙 Graphics and illustrations and charts help you “see” what you learn
đź’™ No waiting = optional instant access to the audiobook
đź’™ Practical = Chapter summaries and application questions help you put it into practice
What Others Say

Kris VallottonÂ
Senior Associate Leader, Bethel Church, California
God With You at Work will inspire, encourage, and equip you to new levels of partnering with God in the marketplace that you never imagined possible. This book is a training manual for followers of Christ to impart a clear understanding of their calling, anointing and focus to view their careers as their primary expression for building God’s kingdom.Â
It will help marketplace believers to become spiritual and natural leaders, establishing the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence.Â
If you are longing to get equipped with supernatural power in order to see societies transformed, then this book is for you!

Tim Ferris
Director, The Leadership Resource, Sydney, Australia
What does it look like for Heaven to touch down on business?
Andy Mason is taking this to another realm by demonstrating how God can show up in our businesses and workplaces.
This book shows how God loves to partner with people in business, bringing new levels of excellence, creativity, and innovation to the solutions people need.
From heart foundations through to practical outworking, God With You at Work will encourage every businessperson to believe for and experience more of Heaven invading their world.

People are beginning to think differently.
They're beginning to wonder what you've perhaps thought all along...
👉 If God "so loved the world..." (John 3:16), wouldn't it make sense that He sends people INTO the world to reach the world rather that just waiting for them to come to church?
👉 If Jesus really meant "as the Father sent Me, so I also send you" (John 20:21), wouldn't that mean that we also get called into the world, away from the "home base" of  the sanctuary?Â
👉 If Adam was called to "work Creation" before the Fall, might also work be a sacred calling, rather than a curse (Genesis 2)?
Click to read more about chapters 1 thru 5
Whether you feel called to serve your boss, sense the urge to grow a giant business and resource ministry, or feel that part of your sacred call is to create a culture of hope and live where employees and clients thrive...
… God With You at Work provides you the paradigm to experience God's presence & power in the marketplaceÂ
More Praise for God With You At Work

Perry Marshall
Bestselling author of 80/20 Sales & Marketing and The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords
If you’ve heard even a third of Andy Mason’s story, you know how gutsy he isH e’s beyond gutsy— he’s mercenary!
But he’s not Wall-Street mercenary. Andy is mercenary about proving God loves entrepreneurs and business.
The Kingdom is open for business 24/7/365, and Andy’s got the stories to prove it.
If you’ve never been certain God wants to break into your world and rock your business… if you’ve built your business with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake because you didn’t possess total conviction that business success is a holy pursuit… you need this book!

Bruce Heesterman
CEO, Wellington, New Zealand
Many people have swallowed the lie that they are to leave the Kingdom of God at the front door when they walk into work and pick it up again on the way out...
It is made worse by being brought up to think that the ultimate calling is that of full-time ministry and that somehow pastors and ministers are more holy, more powerful, and more anointed with power than other professions or jobs.
… the Kingdom of Jesus is available in the workplace for all who believe.
Whether you make coffee or design rockets you need to read this book and see the release of His power into a new frontier, the workplace.

Now with a bonus chapter!
Any testimony you hear is— by your association with the King and His Kingdom— yours.
In fact, ancient rabbis believed that every time a story of God’s deliverance and provision was told, the same power present in the ORIGINAL event being recounted was ALSO available in that moment…
In other words, the story itself created the same faith, hope, and encouragement.
Listen to this story through the lenses of Scripture—
Revelation 19:10 tells us, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
That is, the stories of Jesus’ ongoing work FORETELL what He will continue to do.
Moreover, Revelation 12:10 affirms, “They overcome… by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of their testimony.”
Or, to say it another way, “They achieve victory by the past work of Jesus on the Cross AND by retelling the stories of what He continues to do among them.”
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