227. Why Did God Do This To Me? With Joanne Moody

Season #1

Listen in to this incredibly powerful story of Joanne Moody who experienced debilitating pain for 15 years and then was healed in a moment.

She was living her dream in Hawaii as a serial entrepreneur, barely sleeping four hours a night then a literal God-intervention happened that led her to discover the reality of Jesus.

Then, after getting married and having her first child, she was left with extreme pain that no surgery or pain medication could fix. Then God...

To find out more about Joanne Moody and what she is doing now, go to https://agapefreedomfighters.org/

To sign up to hear Joanne in person at the Heaven in Business conference go to https://www.heaveninbusiness.com/conference-atlanta

#godstory #atheist #miracle #miraculous #healing #hearinggod #faithandwork @agapefreedomfighters