229. How I'm Preparing for Growth this Year

Season #2

Welcome to your new season! In this post we give you some of the really practical tips on how we are going about hearing God and developing strategy for growth this year. We have found that when we have a plan that we are both on the same page with, that it is WAY more likely to turn out well. The plan supports us, we don't support the plan (that means we can change it if we need to). So here's some of the tips:

Read the blog here: Heaveninbusiness.com/blog/how-we-are-preparing-for-growth-this-year

1. Start (and never stop) in prayer.... listening to God daily/constantly

2. Review what you see God doing, what you hear Him saying and what you remember He did.


Great resource: The Good Fight: Prophetic Processing Workbook by Dan McCollam

3. Review your finances

4. Dive into the data - Review results


5. What did you learn


6. Get away to a quiet place, connect and plan

7. Go for a walk... 

Best tool - Remarkable digital notebook has saved me hours

Best book - The Prosperous coach by Rich Litvin and Relactional Leadership by Ford Taylor

Best advice - get a coach/advisor and community


1. Join the Heaven in Business community to grow with God, grow in business and grow in kingdom influence. Try it out for seven days free: HeaveninBusiness.com/free-trial

2. Participate in the annual conference with more than 150 other faith-centered business leaders. The theme through all the speakers will be how to partner with the Holy Spirit in our workplace: hearing His voice, getting free from fear, making decisions, experiencing the miraculous. Find out more and sign up HeaveninBusiness.com/conference-Atlanta