214. AI, ChatGPT and You - With Nate Brown

Season #1

This episode is a conversation with Nate Brown, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Escape Velocity Systems. He has been in technology for over two decades and could probably talk for hours on this subject! So in this episode we establish some foundations:

If you have questions following this article please don't hesitate to contact us and consider joining us in-person at the Heaven in business conference in February 2024 where Nate will be leading a breakout session, discussing this further. Register now to save $100 - HeaveninBusiness.com

Read this as a blog here - Heaveninbusiness.com/blog

1. What is Artificial Intelligence as it relates to ChatGPT

2. What is it NOT?

3. What are the benefits?

4. What do we need to be aware or concerned about?

5. As followers of Jesus how should we approach this development in technology?

#chatgpt #ai #technology #faithandwork