233. How You are Limiting God (and what to do about it)

Season #2

Many of us are going around circles rather than truly growing. Here's how to recognize it and what to do about it.

Read the blog here - Heaveninbusiness.com/blog/how-you-are-limiting-god

What to do next:

Find an advisor, counselor, pastor or mentor who is wise, available and willing to speak truth. I have.

✅ weekly meeting with a spiritual director (paid)

✅ quarterly meeting with organizational advisors (unpaid)

✅ frequent conversations with peers whom I invite to give feedback (free)

✅ weekly conversations with a spouse who loves me enough to tell the truth... and I listen! (not free!)

✅ daily connection with the Word of God that is continually adjusting me (costs everything)

Your invitation:

Join a growing community of people seeking to fully experience what is possible with God at work... and engage in the wellbeing of the city's we serve. Heaveninbusiness.com/free-trial

Join an upcoming event where you can get connetced, trained and activated to grow in your partnership with God at work. HeaveninBusiness.com/events