Four Themes You Are Experiencing Right Now (and what to do about it)

boundaries endurance joy responsibility Aug 31, 2023
Endurance Responsibility Boundaries and Joy

As we meet with individuals and organizations around the world we notice certain things that are repeated. Often there will be seasons during which God is highlighting something that keeps popping up regardless of the size or stature of the business or individual. In this episode I give you four themes that are repeatedly showing up in conversations with clients and peers and what you can do about it.

Listen to this as a podcast here.

1. The Value of Endurance - intentional consistency over time with a determined resolve to never give up, back down or turn aside.

Questions for application:

- On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is 'perfect', where are you at with the character of endurance? How easily is it for you to be distracted, detained, deferred or discouraged?

- Where do you need to strengthen your resolve or commitment and grow in endurance?

- How will you do that?

2. Assumed or True Responsibility - what are you really responsible for? And what are you feeling the weight of but don't actually have the authority (responsibility) to do something about? 

NEXT STEP - listen and apply the process from How To Create Your Decision-Making Credo

Questions for application:

- What are the areas (or concerns) that you feel responsible for right now?

- How much responsibility/authority do you TRULY have for those areas?

- What assumed responsibilities do you need to delegate, defer or drop? When will you do that?

3. Boundaries - reinforcing what is mine and what is not mine. Strengthening my 'no' or 'not now' or 'not ever!'

Questions for application:

- What have you been saying 'yes' to that you need to say 'no' to? (Think beyond words - your actions or LACK of action communicates what you are saying. What are you giving silent approval to)

- What will you do about that, and when?

- What wise and mature people do you have around you that can help you strengthen your boundaries?

4. Choose Joy - this is an inside choice as opposed to a feeling (happiness), that comes and goes. You have absolute control over your measure of joy in all circumstances. In the midst of endurance and challenge and adversity you can choose joy by noticing something beautiful along the way, or helping someone worse off that you, or simply smiling at people around you. 

Questions for application:

- How have you let your external circumstances dictate your internal stature?

- What can you do to choose joy? Gratitude - Focus on people who have less - Intentionally smile when you get up and at people throughout your day - Meditate on how far God has brought you - Change perspective - Be generous

NEXT STEP - share this with a friend, post a review or comment, then join us at