What I Learned & What I'm Doing... 2021

Jan 13, 2021
vision 2021

Here's what I learned through last years influence on my life and what I am hearing and focussed on for this year. Spoiler alert - it's all ridiculously good although the process wasn't comfortable. Bottom line is, I am SUPER GRATEFUL for the pain of last year that has pruned, refined and refocused my life to what I believe is setting me up to succeed for decades to come. In business. In family. In faith. I trust this helps you also.

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A) My most significant learning from 2020:

At the start of the year I heard God say it would be the year of 'multiplication.' What unfolded was certainly not what I expected. However, as I reflect on the outcomes, I have multiplied in character, my walk with God, my awareness of family, my influence, my business... OR I have been positioned to multiply. 

What did I learn in the process?

1. Grow according to your vision, not according to your people

2. Follow the Voice of Jesus for everything - Matthew 4:4

3. Seek humility more than wisdom

4. Get professional help now 

5. Protect/create intentional connection - take the initiative

6. Value/be kind to yourself

7. Find and protect doing what restores your soul

8. Most of the things in your life are just things 

B) My focus for 2021:

For this year I have two primary themes. 1. Kingdom over everything and 2. Leadership. I will unpack these and talk about what I'm practically doing in each.

1. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be provided for

This is the scripture in Matthew 6:33 and I believe this will actually be my focus for the rest of my life! What became apparent in 2020 was how we have been seeking many different kingdoms first. The kingdom of America and it's ideals.... the kingdom of church.... the kingdom of my message, my business, my rights, my..... 

The second aspect of this is not simply seeking first the Kingdom of God but ALSO seeking it HIS WAY (His righteousness). It is possible to seek the values of the Kingdom of God according to your own righteousness - your own way.

"If the devil can't succeed at changing your values, he will entice you to overplay your values so that you get out of the spirit of Christ." In other words, you may have a Kingdom value of the sanctity of all life including the unborn child. This value overplayed could look like abusing pro abortionists or in extreme, violence enacted against an abortion clinic.

2. LEAD. 

Don't shrink back, hold back or draw back. Let your voice be heard. Silence is assent. Silence is avoidance. Silence is not an option. 

So practically how am I partnering with these themes this year?

1. Reading/listening to resources on the Kingdom and especially it's application to the workplace. Myles Munroe. E. Stanley Jones. Bill Johnson. Patrice Tsague. Shae Bynes...

2. Heaven in Business events around the above subjects - see HeaveninBusiness.com/events as registration opens

a) Transformational Leadership online workshop with Ford Taylor March 25-26

b) Leadership Summit conference in person May 26-28

c) Kingdom. Business. Conference in person, September 8-10