I need to apologize for this...

apology confession forgiveness path of life salvation Aug 15, 2023
Andy Mason apology

I need to apologize to you.

For the last ten years we have been connecting, training and activating business people to partner with God at work. All that time we have collected the testimonies - real life stories of the results. They speak for themselves - what Jesus said is 100% true and walking with Him applies to every aspect of all of life. That's not the problem - the problem is I have been way to passive or casual at letting you know about it. 

Please forgive me.

And I give you permission to hold me accountable so that no longer will I be passive in letting you know about the path that leads to life AND the path that leads to destruction.

Last week I was reading Matthew 24 where Jesus tells the disciples (and the reader) what signs would precede the Jerusalem temple being destroyed. He clearly outlined what to watch for and that when those things happened to "...MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT IN THE CITY!"

Well, history tells us Jesus was 100% accurate. Less than 40 years after Jesus prophesying what would happen, the Romans encircled the city of Jerusalem. They had their idols displayed all around and proudly glorified their god, the emperor. It was passover week, so more than ONE MILLION Jews were allowed to enter the city of Jerusalem (literally ignoring/walking past all the signs Jesus said to watch for...). The Romans then refused to let any exit, laid seige to the city and murdered every man, woman and child. The temple was destroyed (not a brick remaining on top of another) and dead Jewish bodies were piled up where the Holy of Holies once existed.

What's the point? 

Everything Jesus did and said was true. Those that followed his words, lived.

Ancient wisdom (Proverbs 14:12) says there is a path that seems right to man but the end thereof is death. Jesus came that you and I might have life and life more abundantly. The devil only comes to steal kill and destroy. 

Jesus also foretold of a day of judgment where each one of us will give an account for our lives. Firstly whether our lives are surrendered to Jesus Christ (our names written in his book of life). Secondly what we did with the time, talent and treasure He gave us. The result is eternal reward for those whose names are written in the book of life and eternal torment in a burning lake of fire for those who reject Christ and the clearly outlined way of life that He made known.

What's the point? 

The path of life and the path of death are clearly laid out in front of you. Every day you choose. Sometimes you experiences the consequences, often they are delayed. Jesus says that He keeps His promises and that what we think is delay is actually intentional on His behalf because HE DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO PERISH.

So choose life. That means surrendering yourself to Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as the ONLY Lord and Savior. It means believing that He is the Son of God who was crucified for your sin and was resurrected to give you access to a new life in Him. It means confessing that you have sinned and fallen woefully short of what He offers. It means asking for His forgiveness and then receiving it. It means daily giving yourself to be led by Him and His word. It means wholeheartedly following the path of life that only He can set before you. It means seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,.. always.

So, what is your response? 

Through Heaven in Business, we get to connect, train and activate business people to walk with God at work - to follow the way of life. If you want to grow in your walk with God in daily life, then don't hesitate to access these resources and community that will help you grow. For more see HeaveninBusiness.com/free-trial

If you have questions or comments, don't hesitate to let us know - [email protected]

May history record YOU as a friend of God.